pp108 : KPI Composite Control Properties Interface

KPI Composite Control Properties Interface

This topic describes the various fields on Properties pane of a KPI Composite Control.

The KPI Composite Control Properties Interface helps in configuring properties of composite control.

Table 1. Fields on the Properties Interface of Manual KPI definition Composite Control

Field Name



Specify chart title. Title property is not applicable for Angular Gauge and Linear Gauge. You may use XForms label for the same.


Specify one of the following chart type: Angular Gauge, Linear Gauge, Vertical Bullet, Horizontal Bullet.


Label denotes the description of the value. For example: Total_OrderAmount.

Target Value

The target value that you specify for the KPI appears in this field by default. You can change the value, if required.

Unit of Measure

The unit of measure that you select while defining the KPI appears, by default. You can change the value, if required.


The ranges defined in the KPI appear by default. You cannot edit the ranges but can provide colors to the ranges from the color picker.

Show Legend

Select this option to view the legend information of the ranges and unit of measure. If you want to view only the gauge, you must clear this option. This option is selected by default.

Render View on load

Select this option if you want to render the view while the page loads.

Table 2. Fields on the Properties Interface of KPI Composite Control with attached Business Measure

Field Name



Specify chart title. Title property is not applicable for Angular Gauge and Linear Gauge. You may use XForms label for the same.


Specify one of the following chart type: Angular Gauge, Linear Gauge, Vertical Bullet, Horizontal Bullet.

Target Value

The target value that you specify for the KPI appears in this field by default. You can change the value, if required.

Unit of Measure

The unit of measure that you select while defining the KPI appears, by default. You can change the value, if required.


The ranges defined in the KPI appear by default. You cannot edit the ranges but can provide colors to the ranges from the color picker.


Label denotes the description of the value. For example: Total_OrderAmount.

Show Legend

Select this check box to view the legend information regarding ranges and unit of measure. You must clear this check box to view only the gauge. Show Legend is selected by default.

Render View on load check box

Select if you want to render the view while the page loads.


By default, the defined time-frame appears in the Business Measure. It is an editable field.

Input Parameter

The value of the attribute for which you need dynamic input while designing the dashboard (as specified in Business Measure). The values defined during the KPI definition will be shown here by default. You can also edit the default values provided depending upon the parameter and its data type.

There is one scenario where the defaults defined will not be shown. KPIs that have multiple namespaces will not carry forward the default values in its WSDL for the Input Parameters. Therefore, the default values will not be displayed in the User Interface. For example, consider a scenario where a BPM consumes a message to start its execution with a namespace that is different than the BPM namespace. The Web service generated on such BPM will have multiple namespaces in the associated WSDL.
When such a Web service is used in the BM used to build the KPI, the default values are not displayed; the composite control created on such KPI, if used in a User Interface, will not show the default values that are defined for the Input Parameters.

Table 3. Fields on the Properties Interface of KPI Composite Control with Schedule (KPI Trends)

Field Name



Specify chart title. Title property is not applicable for Angular gauge and Linear gauge. You may use XFORMS label for the same.


Line Chart appears by default and is not editable.


Label denotes the description of the value. For example: Total_OrderAmount.

Target Value

The target value that you specify for the KPI appears in this field by default. This is not editable.

Unit Of Measure

The unit of measure that you select while defining the KPI appears, by default. This is not editable.


The ranges defined in the KPI appear by default. You cannot edit the ranges but can provide colors to the ranges from the color picker.

X-Axis Caption

Specify x-axis caption.

X-Axis Label Style

Select one of the following for x-axis label style:

  • Truncate: To display the truncated label
  • Rotate: To display the Rotated label. Displays the labels vertically.
  • Slant: To display the label in Slant. Displays the labels at 45 degrees angle.
  • Stagger: To display the Stagger label. Displays the labels in multiple lines.
  • Wrap: To display the Wrapped label. If enough space is not available on the chart, the text of the labels will be trimmed and an ellipses (...) is added at the end and would show tool-tips for those labels.

Y-Axis Caption

Specify y-axis caption.

Render View on load check box

Select if you want to render the view while the page loads.


By default, the time-frame appears in the Business Measure. It is an editable field.

Input Parameter

The value of the attribute for which you need dynamic input while designing the dashboard (as specified in Business Measure). You have to type in the input values, depending on the parameter and its data type.

Show Trend

Trend Analysis refers to the analytical comparison of monitored KPIs and identifying their patterns over a period of time. Trends can be plotted over a period of time based upon the processed values of the expression.Select this check box to view the trend as a graph. Clear this option to view latest processed KPI value as a gauge view. Show Trend is selected by default if the KPI has a Schedule attached to it. If you clear the Show Trend option, only scenario 2 properties will appear. The time values displayed will be based on the time zone of the client's browser in 12-hour format.

While configuring the drill-down option from a Time Frame Composite Control, mapping is possible only between similar time frames. For instance, mapping is possible from a Rolling Time Frame Composite Control, only if the Business Measure on which the KPI is built is having Rolling time frame; similarly, mapping is possible from a Static Time Frame Composite Control, only if the Business Measure on which the KPI is built is having Static time frame.

Show Legend

Select this check box to view the legend information regarding ranges and unit of measure. Clear this option to view only the gauge. Show Legend is selected by default.

Table 4. APIs for the KPI Composite Control

API Name



Value can be "true" or "false". By default, the request is sent in asynchronous mode. To change the mode to synchronous, invoke the API with value "false" and invoke refresh API to redraw the chart.


Use the API to redraw the chart.


Returns the Chart object on which the APIs of Chart are invoked.

Table 5. Events for the KPI Composite Control




Fires when clicked on a data point on the chart. Refer to the following example:

function Form_InitDone(eventObject)
function ondataclicklistenerFn(eventObject)
//Can do any operation here

Related concepts

Model Email Template for KPI

Related tasks

Creating a KPI
Defining a KPI
Attaching a Business Measure
Building Expression
Defining a Schedule
Defining Actions

Related reference
